Friday, October 26, 2012

Our Cute Cats

Daisy is the youngest, and likes to cuddle up on her own. She is very skittish, possibly due to the fact that her mother was very young when she was born (less than a year old) and her father was unknown.


Poppy is the oldest by a year, and keeps the others in check. 

She loves the drink from the bath and washbasin.

Cute on the left, but giving the photographer 'the look' on the right.


Tabby Tom blends in with the garden shadows.

So cute !!

We don't put him in boxes - he just loves them !

Tom on top of the kitchen cupboards.Cat like high places so they can survey their domain and watch for predators.

1 comment:

  1. if you own a dog, you must install this app for dog whistle and make your dog obey you
